Pink Himalayan Sea Salt & Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Foot Scrub

Pink Himalayan Sea Salt & Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Foot Scrub

There are some supreme benefits with Pink Himalayan Salt,Pink Himalayan sea salt paired with Extra-Virgin coconut oil.

With the health benefits and properties of this new trending ‘superfood’ we here at P.F.Trinkets just knew this amazing ingredient Extra Virgin Coconut Oil would do wonders on the foot. 

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil  is ultra hydrating, has anti-inflammatory properties, is anit-fungal, antibacterial, as well as antiviral.

So what that basically means is that coconut oil helps to moisturize and nourish your skin. It’s going to prevent wrinkles and breakouts. This oil is essential in healing wounds and it is also can help soothe your skin problems on dry heels and cracked feet. 

When we are speaking of scrubs for the feet.

Pink Himalayan Sea Salt will literally work wonders.

This gently abrasive ingredient will exfoliate and remove dead skin, as well as leave smother skin from your ankles to your toes.
All while drawing out a range of worldly toxins.


Adding your favorite essential oil to any foot scrub is always top tier self-care.
For this combination we like to suggest your favorite lavender essential oil. For is calming and soothing properties.


Below is the ingredient list in today’s blog post.

Along with the P.F.Trinkets recipe for this Himalayan pink sea salt and extra-virgin coconut oil please scrub.






~ Extra Virgin Olive Oil

~ Pink Himalayan Sea Salt

~ Lavender Oil



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